
Reporting a bug or requesting a feature

If you have encountered a bug or would like to request or propose a new feature, please feel free to create a new issue using the appropriate template.

Implementing a requested feature or fixing a known bug

If you want to fix a known bug or implement a new feature, please first create a fork of the repository. After you have implemented your changes, you can propose them for inclusion in the project by creating a pull request from your fork into the master branch. Please link the issue of the implemented feature or the fixed bug in the pull request for clearness, or add the respective keywords.

Contributing as a project member

Reporting a bug or requesting a feature

The process is identical to the previously mentioned process for contributors which are not part of the project.

Solving an issue

The process to solve an already known issue (bug or feature request) is basically identical to the previously described process. However, instead of creating a fork of the repository please create a branch with a descriptive name, which allows to understand it’s purpose and it’s relation to the targeted issue. A good and easy option for this is to use the Create a branch link which can be found in the Development section of each issue. Follow the instructions for determining the Version number depending on the contents of your branch and create a pull request to the respective release branch.

Setup for developers

In general it is sufficient to follow the general installation instructions. However the following tips can help you to be more productive:

  • Work on python code in a virtual environment
  • Install the python programs in development mode by executing pip install -e .[dev] from the project main directory
    • The -e switch ensures that changes in the python source code are immediately active.
    • [dev] also installs some development requirements (e.g. mypy, black, pre-commit).
  • Install some git hooks by running pre-commit install from the main directory of this project. These hooks help to ensure a good quality of the commited code by automatically running some checks:
    • black is run to format python source code
    • python type safety is improved with mypy
    • we enforce conventional commits
    • other checks like looking for unneccesary whitespace and preventing large files to be added

Commit messages

Commit messages should follow the conventional commits format: conventional commits

Creating a new release

Execute the following steps in order to create a new DiscoPoP release:

  • Switch to the release branch (e.g. release/1.2.3) which shall be released
  • Update the version file in the repository (discopop_library/global_data/version/VERSION)
  • Create a .deb package by executing scripts/dev/ The package will be created in packages.
  • Create a pull request to the master branch and validate the changes
  • Merge the pull request by rebasing and create a tag on the master branch with the name v1.2.3
    • Creating the tag triggers the automatic publication of the project to PyPi
    • Creating the tag triggers the automatic creation of a release draft
  • Update the newly created release draft
    • Release tag: v1.2.3
    • Release title: DiscoPoP Version 1.2.3
    • Description should contain a summary of the most relevant changes
    • Add the created .deb package to the list of files
  • If everything is fine, publish the new release

Determining the Version Number

Lets assume a current version number 1.2.3. A new version number shall be determined as follows:

  • Release only contains Bugfixes and minor improvements (e.g. code cleanup, stability fixes etc.) or documentation updates.
    • ==> Increase the last digit by 1
  • Release adds / modifies features with only a relatively minor impact (e.g. adding a new flag), while ensuring full compatibility with the previous version.
    • ==> Increase middle digit by 1.
    • ==> Set last digit to 0.
  • Release adds a major new feature or modifies any interface (for example by modifying the format of input or output data) in such a way that it is not fully compatible with the previous version anymore.
    • ==> Increase first digit by 1.
    • ==> Set remaining digits to 0.

Developer hints

Output folder structure

All tools developed as part of the DiscoPop Project make use of the following folder structure:

- project root/
 - .discopop/
  - FileMapping.txt
  - <tool_1>/
    - tool_1 output files
    - private/
     - tool_1 intermediate files
  - <tool_2>/
    - ...
  - ...

, where no data should be stored / created outside the .discopop folder in order to keep the users build directory as clean as possible. Files which are read by different tools, e.g. the FileMapping.txt, shall be stored in the .discopop folder. Each tool may create a folder. In case data from these files is required by another tool, think about how to encode the information in a easy-to-use and structured format, preferrably JSON. If possible, please do not rely on exporting to simple .txt files as parsing adds a potential point of failure. Output data for use by other tools should be stored in the folder of the creating tool. Intermediate files may be stored in a folder named private and shall not be used by other tools. Analysis tools, like pattern detection scripts etc. shall be structured in such a way, that a execution from within the .discopop folder is intended.

Copyright © 2022, Technical University of Darmstadt.