DiscoPoP Setup


  • LLVM/clang version 11
  • Python version 3.6 or greater


git clone git@github.com:discopop-project/discopop.git
cd discopop
mkdir build

Build libraries and install Python modules

cd build
cmake .. <CMAKE_FLAGS>
cd ..

where <CMAKE_FLAGS> can consist of any combination of the following flags and commonly used CMAKE_FLAGS:

Environment configuration

  • -DUSE_LLVM_VERSION=<version> – Use a specific Version of LLVM
  • -DLLVM_DIST_PATH=<llvm_base_dir> – Use a specific LLVM installation by specifiying the location

    Profiling configuration

  • -DDP_PTHREAD_COMPATIBILITY_MODE=[0|1] – If your application uses PThreads, please specify this flag to serialize the calls to the DiscoPoP runtime functions. Note, however, that this can negatively influence the runtime of the profiling.
  • -DDP_NUM_WORKERS=<int> – Specify the number of worker threads available for the dependency analysis during profiling. Default: 3 worker threads. 0 can be used to disable the creation of additional threads for the analysis.
  • -DDP_HYBRID_PROFILING=[0|1] – Enbale hybrid profiling. Default: 1.
  • -DDP_MEMORY_REGION_DEALIASING=[0|1]: Enable or disable the generation of dependency de-aliasing information. Reduces potential false positive parallelization suggestions, but increases the profiling overhead.
  • -DDP_STACK_ACCESS_DETECTION=[0|1]: Enable or disable stack dependency detection. Enabling will reduce false positive dependences, but increase the profiling overhead. This flag only has an effect on the results, if -DDP_HYBRID_PROFILING=0.

Development and debugging

  • -DDP_RTLIB_VERBOSE=[0|1] – Enable verbose output during profiling.
  • -DDP_INTERNAL_TIMER=[0|1]– Enable timing of runtime library functions.

Testing the installation

To test the installation, it is possible to execute the provided set of unit tests.

python -m unittest -v

Copyright © 2022, Technical University of Darmstadt.